- spheredata::CLASSThe Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) dataset
- spheredata::CLASScontentvalidityThe Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) content validity dataset
- spheredata::FCIThe Force Concept Inventory (FCI) dataset
- spheredata::FCIcontentvalidityThe Force Concept Inventory (FCI) content validity dataset
- spheredata::FCIkeyThe Force Concept Inventory (FCI) key dataset
- spheredata::FMCEThe Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE) dataset
- spheredata::FMCEcontentvalidityThe Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE) content validity dataset
- spheredata::FMCEkeyThe Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE) key dataset
- spheredata::FMCIThe Fluid Mechanics Concept Inventory (FMCI) dataset
- spheredata::FMCIcontentvalidityThe Fluid Mechanics Concept Inventory (FMCI) content validity dataset
- spheredata::FMCIkeyThe Fluid Mechanics Concept Inventory (FMCI) key dataset
- spheredata::MWCSThe Mechanical Waves Conceptual Survey (MWCS) dataset
- spheredata::MWCScontentvalidityThe Mechanical Waves Conceptual Survey (MWCS) content validity dataset
- spheredata::MWCSkeyThe Mechanical Waves Conceptual Survey (MWCS) key dataset
- spheredata::RRMCSThe Rotational and Rolling Motion Conceptual Survey (RRMCS) dataset
- spheredata::RRMCScontentvalidityThe Rotational and Rolling Motion Conceptual Survey (RRMCS) content validity dataset
- spheredata::RRMCSkeyThe Rotational and Rolling Motion Conceptual Survey (RRMCS) key dataset
- spheredata::SAARThe Scientific Abilities Assessment Rubrics (SAAR) dataset
- spheredata::SAARcontentvalidityThe Scientific Abilities Assessment Rubrics (SAAR) content validity dataset
- spheredata::STPFASLThe Survey of Thermodynamic Processes and First and Second Laws (STPFASL) dataset
- spheredata::STPFASLcontentvalidityThe Survey of Thermodynamic Processes and First and Second Laws (STPFASL) content validity dataset
- spheredata::STPFASLkeyThe Survey of Thermodynamic Processes and First and Second Laws (STPFASL) key dataset
- spheredata::TCEThe Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE) dataset
- spheredata::TCEcontentvalidityThe Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE) content validity dataset
- spheredata::TCEkeyThe Thermal Concept Evaluation (TCE) key dataset
- spheredata::demographicStudents' demographic of the SPHERE dataset
- spheredata::literacyStudents' literacy dataset
- spheredata::physicsidentityStudents' physics identity dataset
- spheredata::teachersjudgmentTeachers' judgment dataset